Evan's Weekly Newsletter

April 16, 2024

This will be long because I have not done a newsletter for a few weeks. Many apologies. Click here if you would like to read this in your web browser.

Ilana and I went to an alpaca farm in Kennesaw. The owners were in their fourties’ and their kids had just grown up and moved out so they bought land and bought alpacas and made a new life for themselves. A very inspiring and fun way to live. They were hosting an “alpaca picnic” and we were the only people there on a date, everyone else was families with children. The woman who owns the place kept coming up to us to tell us to go touch the alpacas more and not worry about getting in the way of all the kids.

alpacas alpacas

I am drinking tea now. I took a break from coffee for three days and then went onto tea. There is a strange guy who writes a blog I like and here is a post from it about tea: https://tynan.com/tea-questions/. Tea is the truth and if you drink coffee please know I am your enemy.

The Hawks season is ending and I for one and pretty glad that is over. We had fun but that was way too many games. And the Hawks are bad at basketball. The rumors have officially started about trading Trae Young. I’ve been saying since the trade deadline that we should trade Trae and keep DJ. Get 2 big guys for Trae and we will win the championship next year.

A few of us started fantasy baseball this year and what a great decision we are having a blast. But here’s the thing, I am the superior fantasy sports player so there is hardly any competition. I wish everyone else was better at fantasy sports so that I could have some competition but sadly there is very little competition and I will win this league by a wide margin like I did our last one.

The business has gotten a number of sales that I feel comfortable with and I am going to turn off our online ads soon. For the next two months I will be paying for an SEO company instead of online ads. I don’t expect to get any sales from SEO in the near term but that’s ok because I am shipping out orders in May so I want some downtime to make sure that the shipments go through and everyone is happy with the product. Then after that hopefully I will be able to scale up. I bought 4 3D printers yesterday so now I have a total of 5 and today I am setting them up in my utility room and I am starting to work on producing the physical products. Next edition I will send pictures of my mini 3D printing farm. I will be going through the manufacturing process end to end and trying to make it as efficient as I can in preparation for a hopeful future where I will need to produce a lot more of these.

Every year I watch the Masters and decide I want to start playing golf. So I looked into golfing and apparently in Atlanta there is a thing called a “Fore Pass” where you pay $30 per month and you get to hit at a driving range for free and you get cheap rates at all of the City of Atlanta golf courses. So Ilana said that after the summer ends she will teach me.

I found a screw supplier. There’s a lot of things in the world that people make and buy and screws are one of them. Screws are very important. Many things, maybe most things, cannot be built with screws. Anyways I went to one place and they told me to go to another place and I went to that place and it was a huge corporate campus and I had to call in my order and then pick it up 30 minutes later at their Will Call. It was a pretty good experience and in the parking lot there was a guy dressed in pink and purple motorcycle gear.

Lady the dog barks all the time at people on the beltline. She is always running around and barking at them. It’s good because she gets a lot of exercise running around and barking at people and she has a lot of fun. But she is quite loud.

I got my taxes done on time. Usually I do not. I got to write off my business expenses from last year so that helped a bit and was pretty nifty. I used Turbo Tax this year because I think I should understand how taxes work so that while I am running my business I can make good tax choices.

We were at Vinny’s house and we watched a documentary about Arnold Schwarzenegger lifting weights and he said that you have to make your body hurt when you lift weights. So I got very inspired and did a very hard workout at home and didn’t exactly get injured but when I moved by body certain random ways it did not feel good. When I am not poor anymore I will get a rower for the garage. I saw something online that showed a man in his 90s who is the world champion rower. Pretty cool.

The Atlanta Tech Village is a wannabe San Francisco VC group in Atlanta. But it’s not exactly VCs, it’s actually like a WeWork but only for startups in Atlanta and they don’t say they are VCs but I’m pretty sure they are. So I guess startup companies work out of there but I have no idea. Their building is in Buckhead but one of the VC guys who runs ATV is an investor in the big downtown remodeling stuff they are doing so ATV is opening a second location in downtown Atlanta. I’m 99% sure I never want to do that but I signed up on their waitlist just to check it out and see what it’s all about. It would be cool to be around a bunch of other people working on businesses but I really don’t have any interest in trying to make a big company that “changes the world” or taking any money from investors. But I’ve always been curious about this organization so I’d like to learn more about it.

Call To Action! Respond to this email with your favorite flavor of tea. Remember, tea is the truth. You response will be go to everyone subscribed to the newsletter.