Evan's Weekly Newsletter

March 5, 2023

I got a cargo rack and pannier bags for my bike. Like the fit dads who bike to the grocery store have. Got some new handlebars too, so biking around has been a lot of fun. Until my tire popped on the beltline. That was bound to happen eventually. I left it chained up and I’m gonna go pick it up today. Hopefully no one has messed with it.

I am still doing my thing where I have 5 books I am reading and flip between them whenever I like. It’s been on a little bit of a pause because I picked up a new book that I can’t ever seem to put down. “Ghost in the Wires” by Kevin Mitnick — the memoir of a hacker who was on the run from the FBI for a while. But overall I love this method I have. I keep buying books. I never regret buying a book.

I’m moving my money out of the stock market. All of it. I’m buying treasury bills with it. My big chunk of money in the stock market has, in total, depreciated by 5%. So if I buy t-bills with it now then I will gain that back in a year (rates are just above 5% right now). I sold my stocks from my company and am putting that money in t-bills as well. It is almost a certainty that interest rates will continue to increase for the next few months. My guess is that it is going to take the FED a long time to cull inflation, which means a long time that the market will be dropping. So I think the best I can do, while maintaining some liquidity, is put it all into t-bills. Please send me a note if this is a mistake, I do not know what I am doing.

It’s peachy. No rain, just sunshine and bees buzzing around and flowers blooming. The tennis courts are packed and Ilana and I went to the golf course and bikers are out and the beltline and sidewalks are packed. The weather is so good I think it might be inhibiting my mood because most of the day I’m working and can’t be outside. The weather is so good I don’t ever want to wear a shirt outside. The weather is so good my chain is glistening in the sunshine.

I’m flying Frontier to Las Vegas in a few weeks, then in May I’m flying Spirit to New York. For both places, bringing a suit is mandatory. But I can only bring a small backpack with me on these flights. So I am going to have to wear the suit on the plane. Same for Ilana, she’s getting a nice fancy dress and might wear it on the plane with me. Travel light, dress right?

If anyone has tips for how they remember to get a haircut at regular intervals please let me know.

I’m not sure if redownloading Twitter has been a good or a bad thing for me. It certainly has been very impactful. My feed is full of business owners, both small and large, and I’ve read enough of it until now I have completely convinced myself that I can run my own business and make money. Taking a step back, this is probably delusional. I don’t know the first thing about business, and I’ve only been working as an employee in businesses for 3 years. I don’t really know the first place to start, even though I build things since I can code, but the worst thing to do would be to spend forever coding something only for nobody to use it. Regardless, I’ve convinced myself I can do this and I have been spending a not-insignificant amount of my free time working towards this. I know in my head that whatever efforts I put forth will not pay dividends for a very long time. But I still feel I need to put forth the effort, if only so that one day my workday can be devoted towards building my own business, which will guarantee that all of my work is directly related to my income. This is also why I would like to consider a sales career at some point in time, because the commission pay structure is the most appealing to me. Why work hard if my salary is going to stay the same regardless of whether I do well or poorly? Companies need to do a better job at addressing this problem.