Evan's Weekly Newsletter

March 4, 2024

It is my first Monday without a job and I hope my dumb brain doesn’t mess this up. On Saturday I made a new website for the newsletter since links weren’t working on the old one and I figured I had better do that now before I get into all of this other stuff.

It’s been rainy and warm so the trees are blooming. Apparently there is a cherry blossom tree in my front yard. I’m not sure if I didn’t know this ever or if I forgot. In any event I was very surprised the other day to see the tree in my front yard blooming pink.

pink tree pink tree

Miles took me to the gun range and we shot guns. We went to an indoor gun range that was very small and somebody was shooting a huge gun so even with 2 layers of ear protection it was very loud. Miles helped me out with aiming and loading and explained to me the different types of guns he brought. He brought a pistol that shoots .22 gauge bullets, one that shoots .9 gauge bullets, and a revolver that shoots .22. He helped me with aiming and holding the guns and it was a lot of fun and I did ok with aiming. I would feel much safer at my home with a gun so maybe one day Ilana will come around to the idea.

tiny cowboy arsenal tiny cowboy arsenal

It’s been rainy so no tennis for a while now but hopefully that will pick back up. But I have been jump roping and weightlifting. I’ve been trying to lift weights every day and do the same lifts every day. I know people say not to do this because your muscles need to rest but I just do it every day at a lot less weight than I could do and it seems to be working because over the past few months the amount of weight I can lift easily has been increasing. My garage is slanted so half of my body is working harder than the other half.

I need a new haircut already and it’s only been about 2 weeks so Ilana has picked up quite a large new responsibliity because I am going to need a lot of haircuts.

I’m kicking off a google ads campaign today. I’ve done this before and there is almost nothing else in the world that feels literally like burning piles of money. I would say the casino but I have fun at the casino. Running google ads is literally just watching the number on the screen tick up and up and the number is my negative money.